- Research & Teaching
- Research Profile
Business Intelligence & Data Mining
The research area business intelligence & data mining covers all aspects of collecting, managing and analysing
business-relevant information to support decision making processes as well as operative processes,
especially considering new types of data sources.
Information extraction from unstructured data
Techniques for the (semi)automatic extraction of relevant information from unstructured data; wrapper induction and sentiment analysis
Data warehouse modelling (data warehousing)
Multi-dimensional data warehouse modelling under consideration of new types of data sources and business processes;
modelling languages for defining and visualizing multi-dimensional data warehouse models;
integration of data mining modells into multi-dimensional data structures of a data warehouse
Analytic business intelligence and data mining
Application of data mining techniques in the area of revenue management, production optimization and customer relationship management
Operational business intelligence
Loop-back of analytic business intelligence to operative processes; personalization of products and recommender systems;
personalization of web pages and targeting
Web usage mining
Analysis of the web usage behaviour; correlation of the web usage behaviour and other business processes
Meta learning and adaptive decision support systems
Analysis of usage patterns within decision support systems; identification of success factors for optimizing decision support systems;
automatic adaptation of decision support systems
ICT in tourism
The research area information and communication technologies in tourism deals with the application of innovative ICT solutions in all areas
of the tourism domain, their conceptualization, implementation and evaluation regarding their usability and user acceptance.
Mobile services
Application of mobile services as ubiquituous marketing and distribution channel; context-sensitive mobile services especially in the
form of location-based services, recommender systems as well as adaptive services in general
Semantic web and interoperability
Application of semantic technologies to support a seamless data interchange; ontology-based information extraction and integration
Adoption und acceptance of ICT applications in tourism
Analysis of factors influencing the usage and acceptance of ICT systems in different application areas of the tourism domain